Thank you for your amazing surgical skill, kindness and great music to operate by. The image is of me climbing Machu Picchu with my group a month after my surgery. I cannot thank you enough for helping me get literally back on my feet. I'm heading for the jungle thanks to you.
- ML - cryosurgery patient

I just wanted to thank you and the team at The London Podiatry Centre. As you know, I had two Morton's neuroma's both on my left foot....one being larger and more problematic than the other. I had tried the conventional approach of steroid injections but I found the relief was only short-lived and it had the adverse effect of bruising and making the foot look like it was caving in.
After visiting the clinic, I decided to go with the more conservative approach of having 'gait analysis', which showed me the problems with how I was walking....and then on to have cryosurgery on the larger neuroma.
It has not all been straightforward, as I have had problems with this foot for a very long time and it was only diagnosed as Morton's neuroma and being flat footed in that foot, a couple of years ago. However, with your help and that of the team in relation to the cryotherapy and the ongoing help with the orthoses, my foot is infinitely more comfortable, I am walking without limping and I am much happier.
Many thanks Ron....I hope my other neuroma behaves itself, but if it doesn't then I would have cryosurgery on that one also.
- RH - cryosurgery patient

I am delighted with the outcome of the surgery. The severe pain that I had for most of the time has gone. The sensation that I get is more of a pressure in the area, after walking for a prolonged time. That however will stop as soon as I rest.
Having had the pain for over a year I am cautious not to overdo things - almost afraid that it might come back. I feel that I haven't pushed myself and am still wearing sensible shoes.
I would certainly recommend Cryosurgery and of course your good self.
- JM - cryosurgery patient

Please note that this testimonial refers to AW's second cryosurgery procedure.
I have noticed a difference in that I am no longer getting the pain/burning in any areas. I generally feel day to day so much better in my activities and don't get aching & pain in the evenings after being on my feet all day. I do get the clicking & twinge sensation sometimes when walking but overall I would say it has definitely been worth having both procedures.
I am limited still to whaat footwear I can wear and always use my custom made insoles, so this along with the treatment has helped hugely. Before the first procedure I could not walk for 30 minutes without being in pain. Now I'm on the go all day. Brilliant results!
I have noticed I have the same clicking in my other foot and so think there is also a neuroma there so if it becomes a problem I wouldn't hesitate to be in touch. Many thanks for your help.
- AW - cryosurgery patient

I was having severe pain in the ball of my right foot which was causing me to experiment with walking in different ways. This in turn was affecting my knee and my back. Following the cryosurgery the pain has completely gone (although it is taking the toes longer to settle down to a new routine)
- HM - cryosurgery patient

I cannot recommend highly enough the Cryosurgery procedure I had on two occasions in 2015 at the London Podiatry Centre. First Mr McCulloch treated the largest neuroma in my left foot as, following diagnostic tests, this seemed to be the primary source of the pain. Several months later, although the pain was much reduced, I decided to return to have the second smaller neuroma treated. I am so glad I did, as 7 months later I am completely without any pain in this foot. I was treated by Mr McCulloch and his staff with a very professional though friendly manner throughout and am completely happy with the outcome.
- CD - cryosurgery patient

Cryosurgery has been amazing - the stabbing pain in my foot, which had been quite severe, literally stopped on the day I walked into Ron McCulloch's surgery to have the procedure done. Since then I've been completely pain-free and I can jog and dance again and go on long hikes! I can only recommend this to anyone who is suffering from this condition.
- IJ - cryosurgery patient

I first attended the clinic with burning pain in the top of my foot after walking and an ultra sensitive and painful under foot whenever I trod on any un-even surface as well as what felt like small electric shocks to my smaller toes. It was recommended to try orthotic devices first and although they seemed to offer some relief It didn't go away and I became conscious of it whenever I had to walk anywhere.
Mr McCulloch explained the procedure beforehand and though a little nervous on the day I didn't need to be. Other than a couple of small injections it was a painless experience and I was out of the clinic in about an hour. The actual procedure was less than half of this time and Mr McCulloch kept me at ease throughout.
The procedure had worked well and I Immediately felt the benefits, once it had settled down the pain and sensations had reduced by more than 50%. After waiting 8-9 months and having a review with Mr McCulloch about the remaining irritation we decided a second go with a longer application was worth a try and I'm pleased to say the remaining pain/irritation has gone completely. I can still feel the nerve on occasions but there is no pain present and I am very pleased with the result. I do not need to wear orthotic devices anymore either which is a bonus and its also a relief I will not need to consider major foot surgery now.
- SC - cryosurgery patient