Orthoses, Padding and Splint Treatments

Orthoses, Padding and Splint Treatments

Orthotic therapy, in combination with footwear, is one of the main conservative treatment options for managing Morton's neuroma. Bulky or large orthoses, or devices that do not accurately address the underlying biomechanical deficits, can actually make symptoms worse.

Computer-designed orthoses can be ultra-thin and optimised for accuracy, shoe fit and effectiveness. Orthoses work by stabilising the metatarsals and redistributing force, so that the nerve becomes less irritated.

The Morton’s Neuroma Centre has one of the most advanced, dedicated podiatric gait laboratories anywhere in the world today. By scientifically analysing walking and running gait, it often becomes possible to manage the symptoms of Morton's neuroma. Gait analysis may lead to a wide variety of possible treatments and should be considered as a diagnostic test (just like an MRI scan or X-ray). For detailed information on gait analysis, please see our dedicated website www.gaituk.com.