Benign Joint Hypermobility
Benign Joint Hypermobility

Benign Joint hypermobility (BJHS)
Benign joint hypermobility syndrome (BJHS) – or Ehler's Danlos type 3 – is a form of joint looseness that can have a negative impact on foot function.
BJHS is sometimes known as "double-jointedness", however this term is somewhat misleading. This particular syndrome is inherited and associated with a range of possible symptoms. If present in the foot, it tends to lead to reduced stability and abnormal pronation (excessive lowering of the arch and a collapsing ankle when the foot should be more stable during walking and running)
This causes the metatarsals to move too much, which leads to friction on the interdigital nerves and possible formation of a neuroma.
We have worked with world-renowned experts in the field of BJHS for many years, including Prof Rodney Grahame and Dr Alan Hakim. Mr McCulloch, the Centre's director, is a published author in the field of BJHS in associated with chronic pain – Hypermobility, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain 1st Edition.
Some patients only show evidence of BJHS in their feet;
In these cases the condition may not be diagnosed easily because most doctors do not test the foot when assessing for the condition.
At the Morton’s Neuroma Centre, we use a range of approaches to treat hypermobility. We generally take a combined approach after analysing the results of our in-depth gait investigations. This often includes physiotherapy and gait re-education, orthotic intervention, specialist footwear advice and a range of other possible interventions.
When treating a neuroma, the risk of complication increases in patients who have BJHS. We therefore generally recommend minimally-invasive treatments such as cryosurgery for people with this condition.